Rhymz Suhreal in Milwaukee

Rhymz SuhrealRhymz Suhreal is one of Keynote’s newest bands.  The duo, Zak and Becky Alwin, describe their sound as  “eclectic live hip-hop…that incorporates rock, blues, and folk.” Becky’s description of one of their concerts last month in Milwaukee grabbed my heart when I read it, so with her permission I wanted to share it with all of you.

You would have picked him out of the crowd instantly too. This young man’s clothes were layered and mismatched, his floppy boots hung over mid-calf, and the winter kids’ hat he wore with long tassels hanging down made me wonder


Thirty minutes into our musical set, we were beginning a new testimonial-type ballad we wrote, called “Music Box.” Right before I started to sing, I noticed him starting to walk up to the front of the stage area. I silently wondered- was he about to make a spectacle of us (or himself) and become a major distraction to our ministry moment, or was he being moved by the Spirit in some unique way through the music and message…to dance.

Words can’t quite capture how beautiful it turned out to be. His dance expression, an urban style of popping and locking, moved along to the story of that which I sang- of broken things being made new, of redemption. I sang…he danced…the Spirit moved…I was moved.

Later on that night, this eccentric stranger once again walked to the front of the stage, this time though it was to receive Jesus Christ as his Lord.  It was another beautiful act of expression- of worship. A powerful moment…a powerful night…a powerful Spirit.

This young man was just one of the 20 people who came forward that night to express a desire to receive Christ. If you want to learn more about Rhymz Suhreal’s ministry, go to http://www.rhymzsuhreal.com for stories, pictures, videos, and music.

Please pray for God to continue to use the concerts and music of Rhymz Suhreal.


Denise DiSarro

View posts by Denise DiSarro
I am a staff member with Cru, a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. I work on a creative team in the Indianapolis area.

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