Brazil – Several years ago, a Campus Crusade staff member named Kristin took a summer off from her responsibilities with the Campus Ministry to participate in Keynote’s summer music project. The following fall, she transferred to Crusade’s ministry in Brazil, where she began discipling a professional musician named Janiê. At Kristin’s encouragement, Janiê attended Keynote’s 2002 summer project, using her musical skills as part of an evangelistic band. Now Janiê has come on staff with Campus Crusade in Brazil, and her dream is to start a Keynote-style music ministry there. As soon as her visa comes through, she will come to Keynote for a year of training and ministry experience.
Please Pray:
That God would cut through the red tape that’s holding up Janiê’s visa
For wisdom for those of us planning Janiê’s training.
Jamaica – One of our newer partnerships is with the Campus Crusade for Christ ministry in Jamaica. One Keynote team (made up of some of our office personnel) returns tonight from a week of leading worship at a Campus Ministry conference. Another, our hip-hop team Black Soil Project, leaves this Wednesday for outreach concerts from January 19-24. Finally, my director (John Pescio) will teach several worship-leading seminars at a date yet to be determined.
Please pray:
For many to come to Christ during Black Soil Project’s evangelistic concerts in Jamaica.
For my director, John Pescio, as he prepares to teach worship-leading seminars in Jamaica