In my last post, I told you about my time training the college students who interned with Innovation this summer at Cru’s headquarters in Orlando. This was just one of...Continue reading
Tag: Summer Mission Project
Training Summer Interns at HQ
Just like any other organization, a missionary organization needs behind-the-scenes workers in order to function properly. People like accountants, graphic designers, and data analysts can use their skills to serve...Continue reading
My Capstone is Complete!
Thank you for praying for my capstone project! I was able to finish it on time and I have now graduated from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with a Master of...Continue reading
A Summer of Bible & Theology
This summer I took a break from my regular responsibilities to serve in the Institute of Biblical Studies (IBS), which provides biblical and theological training for Cru staff members. The...Continue reading
Seeing God Work in New Ways
I recently heard the following encouraging stories from elsewhere in Cru. Even with summer mission trips canceled due to COVID-19, God worked in exciting new ways this summer. On Campuses...Continue reading
The Power of the Scriptures
What a joy it was to coach six new Cru staff members in studying the Bible! Their love for the Lord and passion for serving Him was obvious. Mornings started...Continue reading
Developing and Being Developed
“Thank you! You changed the way I read the Bible and gave me greater confidence and a vision for where I want to be.” That’s what one person said after...Continue reading
Ramen with a Side of College
Ramen with a Side of College is a short book (which Keynote is currently editing) written by students for students. Content includes study tips, questions to help you get to know your roommate, ideas for living a healthy and balanced life, reflective exercises to inspire spiritual conversations, and, yes, recipes to make with ramen noodles. Continue reading
Encouragement on Comm Training
Recently, several Keynote staff have been posting about the upcoming Comm Labs on Facebook as a way of promoting registration for the conferences. One of my film team students from the last summer project posted this in reply: "Oh man if this is anything like the comm drills during summer project, then it is so worth registering..."Continue reading
From Quietness to Confidence
They were quiet—very quiet. Six college students looked at me with varying degrees of discomfort as I explained what they would be doing in their ten Comm Drills. Only the seventh student (a returnee from last year) looked eager to start practicing public speaking in front of his peers.This was the Film Team—easily the most introverted of the five teams on our Summer Project.Continue reading