We’ve expanded our annual Emcee Training event to include a Worship Arts track for college students who help lead worship at their Cru weekly meetings...Continue reading
Year: 2014
Mission Trip Report: Bulgaria 2014
Thank you for praying for my July 14-23 mission trip to Bulgaria! ... University students came from the cities of Sofia and Varna (see map below) for two weeks of English lessons, career-starting tips, communication training, and just plain fun. Continue reading
2014 Mission to Bulgaria
In less than two weeks I will be on my second ministry trip to Bulgaria. My coworker Dana and I will leave July 14 and return July 23. Last summer our Keynote team trained three Bulgarian staff members how to coach the workshop portion of Keynote’s Communication Training...Continue reading
Video Project Revived
Late in 2011, my team filmed a series of short training videos to put on the web. Shortly afterward, our team’s video editor transferred to another Cru ministry. As a result, the project was set aside until there was another video editor available.Continue reading
Encouraging Response to Comm Lab 2014
1 Peter 4:10-11 is the theme verse for Comm Lab, the four day intensive communication training we conduct each year at Keynote’s facility in Westfield, IN. The feature that makes Comm Lab really stand out, in my opinion, is that attendees receive one-on-one training from experienced coaches along with large-group instruction from communication experts.Continue reading
Jesus Our Great High Priest, Part 2
In the last post, I recommended looking at passages describing Jesus as our high priest and categorizing what you found by marking phrases in different colors. To summarize the findings of our study group, I'll use another way to categorize what a passage is teaching...Continue reading
Jesus Our Great High Priest, Part 1
The high priest played an incredibly important role in the annual Day of Atonement. He alone entered the innermost room of the tabernacle (or later, the temple) where God manifested His presence, and he could only do it on that one day each year.Continue reading
Walking With a Holy God
Now that we have looked at the context of Leviticus 16 we are finally ready to delve into the passage itself. (I suggest reading it before reading the rest of this post.) There's a lesson right off the bat in Leviticus 16:1-3. Continue reading
“Be Holy, For I Am Holy”
I want to warn you from the outset: this is going to sound like bad news. But hang in there with me, because the bad news tells us why we need the good news, and seeing how horrible the bad news is will enable us to see just how incredibly amazing the good news is. Ready? Here we go…Continue reading
The Dwelling Place of God
In order to understand the rituals for the Day of Atonement, we need to be familiar with the Old Testament Tabernacle, a portable worship center that the Israelites took with them as they traveled.Continue reading