We all need hope this year, don’t we? In the midst of pandemic, natural disasters, and racial and political turmoil, it’s easy to lose hope. But those of us who...Continue reading
Tag: Christ’s Death
Jesus Our Great High Priest, Part 2
In the last post, I recommended looking at passages describing Jesus as our high priest and categorizing what you found by marking phrases in different colors. To summarize the findings of our study group, I'll use another way to categorize what a passage is teaching...Continue reading
Not Safe, But Good
It stormed the other day in central Indiana. The clouds were layered in multiple shades of gray, ranging from off-white to nearly charcoal. It made me think of the picture...Continue reading
The Crown of All Our Hopes
My last new post was nearly a year ago at Easter, so it seems fitting to start posting again on Easter. It also seems fitting to restart this blog with...Continue reading
The Exchange
During last week’s Easter service, my church did a responsive reading based on excerpts from The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions. It gave a wonderful...Continue reading
And Can It Be
The first time I heard this hymn was when I was in college, at the baptist church attended by most of the Christian students on campus. The lyrics totally blew...Continue reading
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
This hymn has a simple tune set to hauntingly beautiful harmony by my favorite classical composer, Johann Sebastian Bach. I’ve seen several versions of the words, and I’m not sure...Continue reading