Thank you for your prayers for the Worship Arts Conference and Auditions! 76 students came from 29 campuses. 55 auditioned for the student band that will lead worship at the...
Year: 2019
Worship Training This Weekend
Instrumentalists. Vocalists. Sound techs. Weekly meeting program teams. This weekend, 75 (or more!) college students from Indiana and neighboring states will come to the Worship Arts Conference and Audition here...Continue reading
Making a Tool More Useful
Mid to late August is the start of a new semester for most colleges and an increasing number of high schools, so it also starts a new season for many...Continue reading
The Power of the Scriptures
What a joy it was to coach six new Cru staff members in studying the Bible! Their love for the Lord and passion for serving Him was obvious. Mornings started...Continue reading
Developing and Being Developed
“Thank you! You changed the way I read the Bible and gave me greater confidence and a vision for where I want to be.” That’s what one person said after...Continue reading
Response to the Gospel
I recently saw some encouraging results from a survey by the Barna Group. About 5,000 people were asked last fall how Cru has influenced them and how they’re influencing others...Continue reading
“Public speaking terrifies me”
“Public speaking terrifies me.” That’s why one Cru staff member decided to attend Comm Lab last month. She admitted her fears on a short survey I sent to the 35...Continue reading
2019 Comm Lab
Our annual Comm Lab will be in Raleigh, NC from April 8-11. It’s another opportunity to watch God transform people (this time Cru staff members and local Christian leaders) as...Continue reading
Watching Transformation
Thank you for praying for the Pennsylvania Worship Arts Weekend! As always, I loved watching God weave together the various strengths and experiences of our staff team into a tool...Continue reading
Conference Praise and Prayer
PRAISE In December and January, thousands of college students across the US attend Cru Winter Conferences during their winter breaks. Each conference is crafted to help students move toward God,...Continue reading