God can use all sorts of things to reach people for Christ. Here are three examples:
Piper Down recently returned from 3 weeks in Europe. Stops included Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands. While Western Europe in general is a pretty dry place spiritually, everyone in the band had many spiritual conversations in which they were able to share the Gospel. Their host in Salzburg, Austria, said “It will take me four months to follow up all the contacts I’ve made as a result of these two concerts!” Praise God!
Ventriloquist/comedian David Pendleton performed in a local middle school this spring, and gave a few students free copies of his DVD, which includes a gospel presentation. Later a seventh grader wrote to Dave. “I thought your act was pretty awesome with your ‘little wooden people.’ Someone I knew got your DVD…and since they didn’t want it that much they said I could have it. I watched it and saw the sermon type thing in there and it really made me think. I haven’t told anyone this but I have been having a little turbulence in my faith for a while in the past. I had been going to my Bible looking for answers and that really helped me, but after what you said it really kind of clicked. Thanks.” What makes it more amazing is that one of our staff had prayed specifically one of Dave’s DVDs would get into the hands of someone who really need to hear it!
Elsewhere in Campus Crusade for Christ, speaker Josh McDowell has produced a podcast of his book, The DaVinci Code: A Quest for Answers. (In case you don’t know, a podcast is an audio file people can download from the internet and play either on their computers or on an mp3 player like an iPod; hence the name “podcast”.) This audio book gives the truth about issues raised by The DaVinci Code. As of a couple of weeks ago, more than 100,000 people had subscribed to Josh’s podcast , making it #2 on the Apple iTunes site! (That’s the web site most people go to for podcasts.) So please pray for the hundreds of thousands who are exploring spiritual things or learning how to minister to their non-Christian friends through this podcast!