Today is our last day in Brazil. It’s been fun to get to know the students and to see them improve in their communication skills. Last night, my coworker, Dave, and I had dinner with Janie and all her music project students. Janie asked us to tell the students how God led us to join the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ, and she asked them to pray about joining her with Brazil Music & Mission. Three students said they felt God leading them to join her after they graduate, either as one-year interns or as full-time staff members! One other said the same a few days ago, so if they do end up joining her, that will make a 400% increase in the size of her team!! (She’s the only music staff member in Brazil for Campus Crusade.)
I’ve loved helping Janie turn her ministry dream into a reality. Another wonderful thing has been to listen to the students — and the members of the church we attended Sunday night — sing familiar praise songs in Portuguese. It has reminded me that, as Paul said in I Corinthians 12:20, “there are many members, but one body.” There is one church with many members around the world, and we are all brothers and sisters.