It encourages me to see my trainees go on to have a fruitful ministry. And you may not realize it, but YOU have a part in their ministry through your partnership with me! Here’s how God is at work through the people you have helped me to train.
Bands in Mexico and the Middle East
In February 2007, Giants of Silence toured in and around Mexico City. Besides evangelism, one major goal was to find Christians interested in being involved in Campus Crusade for Christ to help start ministries on new campuses.
- About 150 people came to the band’s first concert, which was held at UNAM, the largest university in the world. The local Campus Crusade staff were thrilled that 38 people wanted information about the ministry and 18 wanted to know more about a relationship with God.
- In the city of Queretero, the 5-person Campus Crusade staff team has had to restart their ministry almost from scratch. There are only 5 students involved in the ministry, and most outreach events have failed to draw a crowd. But amazingly, about 60 students showed up for the Giants of Silence concert, and 35 of them turned in comment cards. And even more amazingly, 31 of those 35 said they were interested in getting involved in the ministry, and 8 of those indicated decisions for Christ!
blue sky nine is currently touring Egypt. After their first concert, band members had spiritually significant conversations with students.
- Scott (guitarist) talked with a student who said he was struggling with being independent and not fully submitting to God. Scott shared that God’s Holy Spirit lives in all of us who know Christ personally, and if we rely on Him, He will give us both the desire and the ability to follow God.
- Another student pulled Holly (vocalist) aside and admitted that she was thinking about trying drugs and alcohol. After talking with Holly, she changed her mind and decided to begin pursuing God more intently.