For the last several weeks, the Keynote Creative Communications Group (the Keynote team I belong to) has met at least once each week for strategic planning. We’re using a specific process that encourages us as a team to pray, dream, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make faith goals for what we’re asking God to enable us to do by the end of 2011.
Some people hate business meetings, but I’ve been enjoying these times. We’ve experienced laughter, debate, prayer, encouragement, confusion, discoveries, and more. In the process we’ve gotten to know each other better and have gelled into a team, not just a group of people working in the same department. I believe we’ve also listened to God’s leading and arrived at some specific goals that He wants us to accomplish in the next 14 months. Some of those include
- expanding our training curriculum
- developing new training relationships with Campus Crusade ministries here and overseas
- making training material available on the web
- completing several short films that can be used as resources for evangelism and discipleship.
Some of these goals seem like they are far too big for our team — but they’re not too big for God. I’m excited to see what He will do!