The tours are finished, a 7-minute film has been produced, and the students have returned to their homes.
And God has been at work.
The Facts and Figures:
- 5 teams (4 bands and 1 film team)
- 18 days of touring
- 13700 miles traveled
- 52 outreaches
- 5033 people exposed to the gospel
- 311 indicated decisions for Christ
I helped with some training for the film team, so I was especially eager to read this story from John Gaither, their director:
As in years past, the Keynote Summer Project Film Track is a time for growing spiritually while living out our God-given passions. Still, there are always “moments.” A week before the scheduled two-day shoot the students found that a speck on the lens of Keynote’s video camera was ruining every shot. Amazingly, the Panasonic-authorized repair facility in Illinois cleaned the lens and shipped the camera back in time for the practice run. Yes!
Walking through logistics the day before the shoot, however, we discovered an important function switch had apparently been misaligned during re-assembly. When the switch jammed, the camera was rendered useless. What a great time to panic! Fortunately the Spirit gave me the presence of mind to remember that God, far from being surprised by this, already had a solution ready to be revealed.
After a series of phone calls and a discouraging string of failed scenarios, a solution finally presented itself. God provided – free of charge – another camera just like ours for the students to use! (This is an unheard-of practice in the local professional community, by the way.) Honestly, I found no enjoyment in the emotional roller coaster that day, but we all came through it unscathed.
The film shoot went on as planned, Of course, there were other “moments” that tested our problem-solving skills. These challenges only increased our reliance on the One who remains in ultimate control of all things.
Oh, by the way … we’ve also had lots of fun along the way!
In the end, these students produced a wonderful 7-minute film about emotional honesty, and they learned how to use their film (and others like it) in personal evangelism and group outreach.
Please pray for God to continue His work in and through them as they go back to their homes and campuses.