The start of the college semester has brought encouraging news from Cru® staff members around the country. As a Connecticut native and University of New Hampshire graduate, I was especially excited to read two stories from campuses in the Northeast. The first is from friends who work with Cru® at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst:
“We’ve seen an abundance of freshmen looking to connect! Our Welcome back BBQ before the semester even began brought over 30 new students. The next day we ran out of 1,500 spiritual interest surveys in only 45 minutes of tabling outside the various dining commons on campus. We then had 19 student leaders from Cru, Epic Movement, Athletes in Action, and iFam (local international student ministry) reach out to spiritually interested students who marked on the survey that they wanted to get connected or talk with someone about Jesus. During our first Real Life (weekly meeting) 26 students filled out a connection form asking for ways to get connected in Life Groups (Bible studies), how to be a part of upcoming outreaches, and wanting to talk with a staff or student about questions they have about Jesus, Christianity, and the Bible. Students are hungry for truth and connection, and God is opening doors for students to experience Him!”
— John & Karen Corrigan
I can tell you from personal experience that students in the northeast have historically been resistant to the gospel, so these responses are very significant. God is at work!
The second story came from Northeastern University in Boston. Last spring a high school senior named Caroline was praying to find Christian community at college. Four Cru® Boston upperclassmen sent Facebook messages to every incoming Northeastern freshman, including Caroline. As a result, she participated in weekly Cru® events and also began worshipping online with a Boston church. Thanks to social media, Caroline got plugged into Christian community before she ever arrived on campus!
We in Innovation want to do all we can to serve field staff like John and Karen and students like Carolyn. That’s why we’ll interview campus staff members across the country in the coming weeks. This “listening tour” will help us discern how our team can best help them reach their students with the message of Jesus.
Please pray…
- for God to continue drawing students to Himself on campuses in the northeast;
- for our upcoming “listening tour” to give us valuable insights on how we can serve staff teams on the field.
Thank you for praying!