Puritans…the First and Second Great Awakenings…Wesleyan circuit riders…frontier revivalism…these are topics we’ve covered so far in American Church History. That’s the latest class I’m taking at the local extension site of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. I’ve always loved history of any kind, and church history is no exception. That’s probably because it answers questions I’ve had, like “where did different denominations come from?” and “why are some denominations stronger in different parts of the world?”
Roughly every three weeks, I leave the Keynote office a little early to drive to a church in a suburb south of Indianapolis where I attend sessions Friday evening, Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon. One class usually requires four of these marathon weekends (plus, of course, the time it takes to finish my homework). Needless to say, I’m only taking one class per semester!
Why am I doing this? Quite a few reasons, actually.
I want to learn from the wisdom – and mistakes – of those who have walked the path of faith before me.
Part of my job is writing curriculum to train Campus Crusade music staff, not only here in the U.S., but around the world. I want to be sure that what I write flows out of a solid doctrinal foundation.
Another part of my job is encouraging our staff to be lifelong learners, so I want to practice what I preach. Plus I just plain enjoy learning!
I’m fully convinced that what we believe affects how we live; therefore I desire to learn more truth about God so that I will grow more and more willing to trust and obey Him.
Like most of my friends in vocational Christian ministry, I’m very involved in my church, so I find at times that I’m giving out a lot more than I take in. A seminary class is a great source of quality input. It stimulates me mentally and spiritually and challenges me to think more deeply about what Scripture says and what I believe. So even though I’m “doing this for me,” it benefits those I minister to, because I’ll be better equipped to meet their needs.
Thanks for helping equip me to equip others through your partnership!