International Tours

Please pray for my Keynote friends who have incredible opportunities to minister overseas:

  • Blue Sky Nine is just starting a concert tour of colleges (and one high school) in Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo. They will perform 9 concerts in 8 cities during their two week stay. Please pray for God to use their concerts to speak to many students in these Balkan countries.
  • The Boyd Family is returning to Lebanon, where they toured last year (see my posts on March 28, 2005 and Nov. 9, 2005.) This time Bruce & Julie and their three sons will perform 36 school assemblies and one community concert — all between March 18 and April 3!!! Please pray for their strength and stamina, and also that God will speak to many students’ hearts through them.

By the way, both bands have web sites if you’d like to learn more about them: and .

Denise DiSarro

View posts by Denise DiSarro
I am a staff member with Cru, a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. I work on a creative team in the Indianapolis area.
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