MangoFish Update

Hello Friends,Greetings from the Pacific Northwest! The men of MangoFish made a successful but hot 3 day drive out to Idaho for our first show. The air conditioning has not been working despite three different mechanics. The bus is currently up in Spokane, Washington getting fixed. We will rejoin our bus today for our next show.MangoFish has played two shows so far, with our third tonight. We have already seen four decisions for Christ and one rededication! The rededication was last night in Moscow, Idaho. Her name is Samantha.Samantha was at the show with a friend named Kathryn. We were all surprised when we got Kathryn’s comment card. It stated that she was a wiccan and that she “snort[s] cocaine on the Bible.” Our hearts broke when we talked with these two girls.

Please pray for Samantha. Her decision to rededicate her life will incorporate a major change in her lifestyle. Please also pray that she will be able to be a witness to her friends Kathryn.

Please also pray for Josh, a homeless man we met before our first show. He was in a band that is all about “anarchy symbols and 666” he was also in to self mutilation. He was at the show but did not stick around long enough for the comment cards. We did see him again after the show and him some left over pizza.

Here are some other ways you can be praying for MangoFish; Please pray that God would continue to grant us unity as a band, and that we would keep short accounts with eachother.

Please pray that MangoFish would also be continually reminded of why we are here for this summer and continue to give us a deep passion for the lost around us.

Please also pray for Thomas’ (lead singer) voice as the program is very demanding vocally.

Finally, please pray that we will all be dilligent and carve out good, meaningful time with God each day.

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