8 teams………7 bands and 1 short film team….. We traveled 23,407 miles We had 93 concerts. We saw 13,090 men, women, and children hear about Christ. The angels rejoiced over...
Author: Summer Mission Students
Mangofish Says Goodbye
Hello, This is the last update from Mangofish!! We’re back in Indianapolis after our last two shows. We played in Fort Collins, Colorado, in the Larimer County Jail. It was...Continue reading
Film Team: The Final Cut
For this being the first ever Film track for the Keynote Summer Project, and with a human plan defined as “wet jello”, I’d say God has a definite plan for...Continue reading
End of Touring for Swerve
Well here we are, back in Indy. Swerve has had an awesome tour! I know that we have touched many lives but I think that all of our lives will...Continue reading
last update from POP 2008
Greetings ! This is Lantie, giving the final update on Proof of Purchase’s 2008 summer tour. We led worship for the youth group at Harbor Shores Church in Indiana. Steve,...Continue reading
News from Ritmo-D
Hello my faithful friends. I want to start by thanking everyone for your love and support. Your comments and advice give us strength to continue in our walk with God....Continue reading
Proof of Purchase On The Road
…God continues to astound us all. Event after event we are blown away by the work He does. We are so thankful that the Lord is willing to purify our...Continue reading
On the Road with Swerve
Alright, here’s an update on our tour. Sorry it’s been so long. We’ve been extremely busy! Last Tuesday we were in Cary, North Carolina at a YMCA camp. We had...Continue reading
Mangofish Update
Greetings all, Here’s another Mangofish tour update. Mangofish is swimming Pacific side right now (we just left California)! We did have another show at Malmstrom Air Force Base which went...Continue reading
Film Team Update
The past two weeks seem like one day for me, but somehow, we have this film called “wreck”. After long days of shooting and long nights of editing (literally), our...Continue reading