The Keynote Summer Project teams are on the road right now, sending email updates of what God is doing on tour. For those of us who didn’t go on tour, the pace of life has calmed down considerably. But even though it’s really quiet around the Keynote office these days, God is is doing some amazing things that I want to tell you about.
One line of Keynote’s vision statement says, “We see…A Worldwide Ministry Center with sufficient facilities and staff resources to support our mission.” God has overwhelmed us with the provision of this facility, as the next step toward that vision.
This month Keynote will move to a building on Union Street in Westfield, IN, just 10 minutes north of our present location. This building is 20,000 square feet – triple the size of our current office space! The Westfield Board of Zoning also gave approval for a rehearsal and studio building to be erected close to our new office. This new structure will be approximately 25,000 square feet, complete with band rehearsal rooms, personal practice rooms, a recording studio, warehouse storage, and a large open area in the center with a stage. God has done above and beyond what we could ask or even think!
Construction begins on the rehearsal building in late August. In the meantime, our bands will continue to rehearse at the old facility while our office staff (like me) settle in at the new office complex.
Please pray that I (and my fellow staff) will remember to rejoice in God’s provision in mind when the inevitable hassles of moving (and having our ministry temporarily split between two locations) crop up!
The old office building:
The new office building: