One of my responsibilities throughout the year (including during the Summer Project) is to coach one of our new staff women as she finds ministry partners to provide her financial support. Heather Jabornik (see photo) has been a joy to me in our weekly coaching phone calls as I’ve seen her grow in the Lord and as we’ve built a long-distance friendship (she’s from eastern PA). I asked her to write a short note to you:
“The Lord has allowed Denise to be such an incredible friend and source of encouragement in my life during this time of support raising. I am seriously so stoked every week when we talk for…oh, I don’t know, 2 hours at a time? Yeah, that sounds about right. She is always so kind and gentle, and willing to listen to me blab about anything from witnessing to my parents to dyeing my hair bright red and blonde. I love her to pieces and sincerely cannot WAIT to move to Indy to hug, talk, laugh, and rejoice in the Lord together in person!!
“Oh, and she’s really great at graciously cracking the whip too.”
Thanks for enabling me (through your gifts and prayers) to minister to Heather!