I’ve begun work on the training calendar for Keynote’s upcoming summer project, which starts in May. In addition to the American students, nine internationals (five from Thailand, two from India, one from Ecuador and one from Kenya) are planning to join us. Please pray for them as they raise financial support to come to the U.S. for summer training.
In other international news, my friends in our band Chasing Elvis just finished up their 18-day, 6-country tour of eastern Europe. In Budapest, Hungary they were the house band for a “Battle of the Bands” and shared how to have a relationship with God. Over 500 were in attendance, over 400 surveys were collected, and over 300 gave names and contact info to the hosting ministry.
Frontman Jimmy FauntLeRoy said this after a Prishtina, Kosovo concert:
I totally blanked on the gospel. I did not know where to start, and I thought for a moment that the whole thing was ruined. Then somewhere inside, I decided to just tell them what I know. We realized later that we think God’s Prints were all over that.
Like Arlee [another band member] said later, “You threw out about 4 or 5 separate thoughts, and just when I thought ‘Oh, no, how are you gonna get out of this?’ you tied them all up with a bow!”
God did that. For the students in the audience.
The result? More than half of the comment cards turned in by the students were marked “interested in spiritual conversation” or “interested in Campus Crusade for Christ.” Go, God!! Please pray for the follow-up of the contacts from Chasing Elvis’ concerts.
Thanks for Praying!