Keynote band blueskynine recently ministered at Ft. Jackson. Bassist Dan Bongard wrote,
On Saturday night we played at the stadium for around 300 new recruits… I will say they thoroughly enjoyed the show and were all ears for the gospel. 7 received Christ , 34 were interested in talking to someone about spiritual things, and 26 were interested in a bible study.
On Sunday we played for their chapel service and it was full. They are beginning a new training cycle which adds to the numbers, and it’s good to reach out to them early on. Again there were about 300 in attendance… The results were 16 starting a relationship with Christ, 2 rededications, 44 interested in a spiritual conversation and 51 desiring involvement in a bible study.
Giants of Silence performed at Ft. Knox, and guitarist Sam Leo wrote,
…we played at a Sunday morning chapel service for over 600 army recruits, all of whom were in different phases of their basic training. A lot of these young men joined the army to escape from a bad home situation. Spiritually speaking, the chaplains told us that some recruits will say they’re atheists, agnostics, or even Wiccans, but the truth is, they usually don’t know what those words actually mean. They don’t really know what they even believe, and they’re starting to think they’ve gotten themselves into more than they bargained for…But they’re also doing a lot of thinking about their lives, and are asking questions and looking for someone to talk to.
“…When all was said and done, we got 438 comment cards back. Around 90 people said they were interested in studying the Bible with someone, about 80 people said they wanted to talk more about spiritual things, and 40 people made decisions to start a relationship with Christ!!!!!