There’s been a flurry of activity around the office the last couple of weeks! Students arrive this Thursday for Keynote’s upcoming summer missions project for college students. They will receive three weeks of training in music evangelism and then tour throughout the US to share Christ through their concerts. I would love to have your prayer support during this busy time!
- The Keynote Summer Project always brings heightened spiritual warfare with it. Our adversary doesn’t want students to grow in their faith and ability to minister, so he usually does all he can to prevent it! Please pray that all of us, staff and students alike, will put on the spiritual armor spoken of in Ephesians 6:10-20, and please claim the promise of 2 Thessalonians 3:3 for us: “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.”(NIV)
- Our summer project gives us the opportunity to train more Keynote staff how to teach our training materials. This is important because we are being asked by more and more overseas ministries to provide training for their staff and students. Pray for me and several other experienced trainers as we coach these new teachers.
- Some of the internationals who were hoping to attend the project will not be able to do so. Please pray for those who are still coming: Isaac Yedla and Tom Frakes from India, and Oscar Nduwarugia from Kenya. Pray for safe travel and that God will use their experiences here to equip them for music ministry in their home countries.
- I take my final this week for the theology class I’ve been taking this semester. Please pray for me as I finish the assigned reading and study for the exam.
- Please pray that I would walk closely with the Lord and minister in His strength this summer, not my own.
Thank you for praying!