I’ve been journeying into the world of classic Christian literature lately. I’ve had a hunger for a feeling of connectedness with the church through the ages, and for gleaning from the wisdom of the saints from many lands and traditions. The church universal is one body, a body that includes not only of believers on earth right now, but all believers throughout all of history. Our common bond in Christ connects us all. It connects me with church fathers like Augustine, reformers like Luther, and revivalists like Moody, and I want to learn from them. They have walked this path before me, and even though our circumstances are very different, they still have a lot to teach me.
To be honest, I’m just at the beginning of this journey. So far I’ve collected most of the excerpts from devotional collections and quotes in contemporary Christian books; I hope to “graduate” eventually to some of the original sources. But even at the beginning, I’m discovering treasures worth sharing, so I decided to journal my thoughts in a blog to do just that. I’ve already collected excerpts from men like A. W. Tozer, Martin Luther, Anselm of Canterbury, John Donne, Ambrose of Milan, Blaise Pascal, and Augustine of Hippo. as well as from old hymns and ancient liturgy. Topics include faith, truth, worship, repentance, Christ’s death and the Trinity. I hope these posts will encourage you as preparing for them has encouraged me!