Lives Changed Through the Summer Project
Every year it’s exciting to hear stories and statistics of what God has done through the partnership of the Keynote Summer Project and the Impact Music Project. Last month I shared a story, so here are the statistics:
- 25 students participated in the Keynote Summer Project.
- 13 students participated in the Impact Music Project.
- Those 38 students formed six bands that logged slightly over 20,000 road miles.
- Those six bands performed 79 concert events.
- Over 9000 people heard the gospel through their concerts.
- 759 of those people said that they were interested in having further conversations about spiritual things.
- 1048 of those people indicated that they had decided to begin a relationship with God through Jesus Christ!
Praise God for what He has done! And please pray that those who trusted Christ will grow in their new relationship with Him, and that those interested in further conversation will eventually place their faith in Christ.
More Lives Changed Through Keynote Training
In the U. S.: Just a few days before the Keynote Summer Project ended, we sent a training team to teach communication skills to students at The Edge, a Campus Crusade for Christ summer project in Fort Collins, CO. Keynote trainer Michael Anderson relates this story from that week:
One student truly was terrified to speak publicly. In fact, she had never spoken in public since being humiliated by a teacher in third grade. To face a room of 40 people and tell her story of fear took the love and power of God. Upon her tearful and triumphant conclusion she received a rousing standing ovation!
(To read the rest of Michael’s report, go to
In India: Our associates in India, Abraham and Romila George, trained eight college students in public speaking skills last week. For those of you who remember my trip to Singapore in 1998, Abraham was one of the staff members we trained there. (You can read an article about an earlier training session Abraham led in April at
More Chances for Changed Lives
Please pray that these upcoming training events will also change lives:
- On August 19 & 20 three Keynote staff members will train students from several campuses in St. Louis, MO, in communication skills related to their weekly meetings: program planning, being an emcee, and worship leading.
- Five more Keynote trainers will conduct communication training in Hungary August 21-29. They will teach public speaking and worship leading to 20 hand-picked college and high school students.
Thank you for helping to change lives through your partnership!