Hebrews 10:19 says “we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus” (NIV). What is “the Most Holy Place” and how does Jesus’ blood give us access to it? The women’s Bible study group at my church (lifepointeindy.com) is looking at what Jesus accomplished for us through the lens of the Old Testament Day of Atonement.
The study material started as a paper I wrote for a seminary class I took on the Pentateuch (the books of Moses, Genesis through Deuteronomy). I’m modifying the format so I can use it for both a weekly discussion-style study and a series of blog posts. My plan is to post one or two articles here each week as a summary of what our group has discussed the previous Wednesday. This way we can continue the discussion in the comments and include people who are not able to attend the group.
I’ll add links to each post here so this introduction can serve as a table of contents.
Lesson 1, Part 1: Why Study the Day of Atonement?
Lesson 1, Part 2: The Dwelling Place of God
Lesson 2: “Be Holy, For I Am Holy”
Lesson 3: “Walking With a Holy God”
Lesson 4, Part 1: Jesus Our Great High Priest, Part 1
Lesson 4, Part 2: Jesus Our Great High Priest, Part 2
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