Our little creative team in Indy is working on a boatload of projects and events that will help Cru win people to Christ, build them in their faith and send them out on God’s mission. Each band tour, conference and project has its own project manager and team; I’m currently on two teams and I manage three more.
One event I manage is our annual Emcee Training. Staff members and students throughout Cru have opportunities to emcee ministry events of various sizes. We want to help them grow in their skills and cultivate their hearts so they can serve in that role with excellence and effectiveness.
If you’ve ever been involved in planning an event, you know that a lot of advance planning is required if the event is going to run smoothly and accomplish its goals. While this year’s Emcee Training falls on the first weekend in November, the planning started back in May with meetings to discuss updating the curriculum. (These were the meetings I wrote about in my June post titled “What Does a Squirrel Have to Do with an Emcee?”)
We continue updating the agenda and session content, and I’m working through a list I made of what needs to happen eight weeks prior to the conference, six weeks prior, four weeks prior, and so forth. I’m coordinating the services of coworkers with expertise in areas like finances, photography, and catering. The work is challenging, fun and rewarding.
Thank you for being part of my event team through your partnership in ministry with me! You are playing a vital role in encouraging and equipping Cru emcees to help their audiences hear from God!
Prayer Requests
- Emcee Training attendance: that God will bring emcees who need to be encouraged and equipped (nine are currently registered)
- Wisdom for me: that I will manage the project and my team well
- “Juggling” skills: that I will make wise choices as I juggle the demands of the teams I am on and the ones I manage.