Thank you for praying for our Bible Study Methods class! I coached a group of seven new Cru staff members and gave one large group lecture (the one I described in my last newsletter) for the two-week course.

It’s always a joy to coach people for this course, and this group was no exception. Judging by the encouraging comments they gave on their final course evaluation, they enjoyed me as much as I enjoyed them! Here are some excerpts of what they wrote:
- “I think Denise did a wonderful job coaching, I think the time was well organized and I always felt prepared for what I had to do when leaving the class”
- “She was super kind, wise, and really helpful! I’m really thankful for her coaching!”
- “I think Denise is a great communicator! She gave very thorough & clear instructions for each activity & worksheet. I can also tell that she has a deep love for scripture & God’s people which translated into our coaching time. She also gave helpful feedback on our assignments.”
It was wonderful to finally be able to interact in person with the new staff and the other coaches. This was the first time since January 2020 that we could gather in the same location instead of teaching over Zoom!

Prayer Requests
- Please pray for the new staff members who just completed their summer training as they find people who will partner with them by funding their mission.
- July 15-23 will find me in Milwaukee, WI for Cru22, our first national staff conference since July 2019! Please pray that God will use Cru22 to provide spiritual refreshment and renewed vision for our mission, not only for me, but for all our US staff members.
Thank you for your prayers and partnership!