Three Project Updates

In September and October I worked on three projects that I want to tell you about.

Student-Generated Evangelism

We’ve been asked by Cru® leaders to design a method to engage students in creating ways to talk about Jesus in more natural and enjoyable ways. We spent a week of intensive work in September considering, designing, and testing ideas on this. After that we decided to run one of the exercises with more people and adapt it for potential use with students at Cru’s Winter Conferences.
My team leader ran the exercise this past week with students at a local campus and they really enjoyed the experience. They are planning to test one of their ideas with international students in the coming weeks and let us know how it goes.

Made To ThriveNew digital prototype for Made To Thrive

Made To Thrive is a tool to talk about the gospel in a way that speaks to the heart of Gen Z students. It was developed by the Innovation team before I joined, and a print version has been piloted. Based on feedback we’ve received our team recently edited a new digital version that includes options for learning more about the concepts presented. We added info buttons that link to additional content if someone needs a better understanding of the Bible, God, Jesus, sin, etc.

We’re currently testing this prototype and gathering feedback as we consider the next steps. You can access the digital prototype of Made To Thrive at The final screen has a link for the feedback form.

Worship Arts Conference and Auditions

This past weekend student worship leaders from Cru campuses in this part of the country came to the conference center next to our office for a weekend of encouragement and learning. I coached students in what to say to connect two worship songs together, ways to express their worship through body language, and good practices for making and running slides for songs and talks. I also ran slides for most of the songs and speakers. I really enjoyed encouraging students who want to use their musical talents to help others worship the Lord.

Thank you so much for the role you play in making all this happen! I couldn’t do any of this without your partnership!

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for opportunities to run student-generated evangelism workshops at upcoming winter conferences.
  • Pray for the continued testing of Made To Thrive.
  • Pray for the student worship leaders as they apply what they learned at the conference.
  • Pray for God’s Spirit to work in the hearts of those who have yet to hear or understand the message of the gospel.


Denise DiSarro

View posts by Denise DiSarro
I am a staff member with Cru, a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. I work on a creative team in the Indianapolis area.
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