So far this was the best venue! It was great for sound, passers-by stopped and stayed, the restaurants and cafes surrounded the stage/amphitheater area and between our two sets we got to talk with people in the audience and they stuck around for the second half of the concert! It was a wonderfully relaxed environment and we were able to connect with people of ally types and ages! Laura and Mary Alice talked with some Jehovah’s Witnesses who were in Ft. Collins for a large Jehovah’s Witnesses conference– Mark, Mary, and Bobbie — Kristen (there with Proof of Purchase was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and then left and became a Christian in college) joined Laura in the conversation about Jehovah’s Witnesses beliefs and we were able to challenge them with the truth of Christ’s deity!
Laura talked with two eight-year-old girls, Noam and Maggie, and got to share the gospel with them.
Willie (an old musician) and Bobby (homeless) were two elderly men Joey got to talk with.
Josh and his girlfriend were a young couple Joey got to jam a little on his guitar with. Joey got to talk with Josh about the Lord enough to find out that they are not Christians.
Joey also got to talk with Jason — who also came to McDonald’s concert
Bak shared the gospel with a couple of girls, one was interested the other was distracted. He got a chance to leave some of the “How to Know God personally” booklets.