Hi all,
it’s exciting to hear how God is using some of the rest of you out there on the road!
It was a little over a week ago that we had our dress rehearsal. Seems much longer than that. We already have 6 performances under our belt and I’m happy to say we’ve had tremendous response at each event.
God is using the drama to change people’s hearts.
At our very first event in Anderson, a woman in tears talked with me . . . “that was my life.” She is so grateful for Jesus’ salvation and how He has enabled her to help others, now that He has raised her up out of that old life. The pastor told us he has never seen her so open and vulnerable in all of the events she’s ever attended at the church.
Here are just a few of the incredible comments that reveal how God has been working . . .
*Very eye-opening as to what is the real way of the life of the inner city. We sometimes think like ‘Vicki’. (if you remember, vicki was the character that i played, the one who was giving mark a hard time about the hopelessness of ministering in the city.)
*I was in tears many times during the play. I have never seen or heard things like these “Snapshots.” I realize how lucky I truly am even if I don’t see it in my everyday life. Thank you.
*I find it interesting how much info / stuff / opportunities God has put in my life in the last couple of years about poverty / homelessness / injustice. This is just another in my face example. What is God saying to me?
*Thanks for tonight. It reminded me that God wants and can use me outside my little community. You touched me tonight.
We’ve had very, very long days and nights (5 hours to tear down and load up one night!), but God is sustaining us…
…we’ve been praying for 12 events. if the pending events come through, God will have answered our prayer!