Are still in Indiana. We finished recording for our film on Sunday and now the footage is being edited. It’s been a lot of work, as I’m sure it has been for all of you too. News: the Director of our film, Lisa, has taken a leave of absence due to the passing of her Grandfather, but she’ll be back on Friday. I ask that you would pray for her and her family, for comfort and strength.
Our film premiers Friday night (hopefully it’s finished <_< ) in our "dress rehearsal" and then we will begin the tour of short film madness starting Saturday (I think…). I pray God has been using your hands and vocal cords to spread his Love. Ok, I must get back to editing now. Rock the world.
Resting in the awesome power of the God who created the stars and our bodies, Brian and the Film Kids + John and Pam and Sharon and Tom and Denise and the scooters in the office :D