Online Training Update
In my last newsletter I asked you to pray for innovation training that we led online for five staff teams with Destino, Cru’s ministry to Latino college students. Three of the five teams have completed the 8-session training in creative problem-solving and we have received wonderful feedback from the staff who participated.
I was the lead trainer for the staff team that directs Legacia, which is Destino’s big winter conference for Latino students from around the country. Here are some of their comments about the training:
“I enjoyed learning about prototyping and thinking through how to quickly test ideas and get feedback.”
“I like how every week there were opportunities to implement the things we were learning.”
“…it’s been one of my favorite trainings in Cru, it’s practical stuff that I can use even outside of ministry.”
“I think this training is great. This is my second time going through it, once as a local team and now as the Legacia team and I can just see the immediate benefits it’s had for both teams I work with. It’s had such a positive effect and I feel like it will make both ministries so much better.”
It was very encouraging to read these comments and to know that the techniques they learned will help them in ministry!
Seminary Update
In December I wrote that I’m very close to finishing a master’s degree from seminary. I’m pursuing a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. All I need now is to take one more course online and then do a Capstone Project. This is an alternative to a master’s thesis where I create a practical product (such as lessons for a Bible study or a series of workshops) that I can use in my ministry in Cru.
I’ve gotten the okay from Cru to use one day a week for my studies. I plan to take the course in May and write a proposal for the Capstone Project this summer so I can develop it, test it, and report on it in the fall.
Please pray…
… that I will come up with a Capstone Project that not only fulfills my degree requirements but also results in a practical ministry tool that can be used in Cru to disciple students or new staff members.
Thank you for praying!