A few days ago I returned from Campus Crusade for Christ’s U.S. Staff Conference, held every other year at Colorado State University. I heard wonderful speakers, including Dr. Joseph Stowell,...Continue reading
Tag: International
Items relating to Keynote’s many international connections.
Changed Lives
Music is a unique and powerful medium of communication. When Spirit-filled musicians express God’s unchanging truth through the music of the culture, God uses it to change lives. That was...Continue reading
Keynote Worldwide
How Keynote is Helping Campus Crusade for Christ Around the World: As I’m writing this, a Keynote team is in Jamaica teaching worship seminars. A student from Mexico will join...Continue reading
Elsewhere in Keynote
Here are some encouraging items from other Keynote staff. From The Boyds, who use contemporary music, humor and drama to reach out to couples and families: “150 people attended this...Continue reading
Janiê Is Here!
Janiê Sucupira arrived from Brazil on Wednesday, February 9.In fact, she’s living with me! Honestly, I wondered if it would be too much of an adjustment to have a roommate...Continue reading
Elsewhere in Keynote: Jamaica News
Thank you for praying for Keynote’s partnership with the Campus Crusade for Christ ministry in Jamaica. In January a team of Keynote staff led worship at the Jamaican campus ministry’s...Continue reading
Prayer Request Update
I just heard today that Janiê’s work visa has been denied, so she will only be able to come for six months on a tourist visa. She is very disappointed...Continue reading
International Training Opportunities
Brazil – Several years ago, a Campus Crusade staff member named Kristin took a summer off from her responsibilities with the Campus Ministry to participate in Keynote’s summer music project. The...Continue reading