Hello all,
Thanks for praying for us. We certainly experienced God’s grace on our trip here. To make a long story short, we weren’t charged any overages for our luggage…that was huge! We missed a connecting flight…and all 7 of us managed to get on standby. We have a nice day of seeing the beach (the first time Kurtis saw the ocean), etc. in Honolulu.
Our hosts are wonderful. We had a day at the Sydney Harbor yesterday…awesome! Seth & Chris ate the opera house, boats, etc…you must ask them about that!
Today we drove (envision 8 adults and some equipment squished in a mini van) to our first concert site….Evans High School. We did 3 full concerts…the guys did an awesome job. We were told the students probably wouldn’t respond real well- or at least even show an interest. There were 570 students in attendance and get this…85 people accepted Christ and 53 want to know more about Jesus! Needless to say, Captain O’ is blown away at what God has done.
Please continue to pray for health, stamina, etc. We have 3 concerts tomorrow as well.
Blessings to all,