Hey all,
Captain O is having a delightful time here in Australia:-)
Yesterday, we did 3 more concerts and saw another 24 people make decisions for Christ and at least 50 people wanting to talk about God. That brings it to 109 new converts and over 100 wanting more info. Go God!!! We are in awe of what God is doing.
Today is a day off…those guys need it! Continue to pray for their voices as this is challenging. Tmorrow we have one concert and we were scheduled for 3 concerts on Friday, but that’s been changed…to four! Three are during the day at the same location and one is in the evening at another site.
We are experiencing “the battle”. Jake has felt attacked in the evenings at home, my stitches became infected (I have since removed them and the infection is clearing) and last night I was up the majority of the evening with awful cramps in my legs. Our mode of transportation (the Lenox’s mini van) is now in the shop and won’t be ready for a couple of days…some friends of the Hamiltons are allowing us to use their vehicle and Darren will drive his as well. Although I have to tell you it’s been quite fun for us to cram into this van that would seat 6 adults comfortably…envision 8 of us with equipment on our laps, etc. Very fun!
Please continue to pray for the upcoming concerts, for souls to be saved, and for God’s annointing on us.
We miss you all,